Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Home Improvement Questions including "If the rear bumper of your car is detached a little bit is there any kind of glue or Super Glue which will work to hold it on"

Read article : Home Improvement Questions including "If the rear bumper of your car is detached a little bit is there any kind of glue or Super Glue which will work to hold it on"

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Function]"! new TypeError("iterator must be a function");var o=e.length;if(o===+o)for(var a=0;o>a;a++),e[a],a,e);else for(var s in e),s)&&,e[s],s,e)}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=function(){var e=Array.prototype.find&&1!==[,1].find(function(){return!0});return e?Array.prototype.find:n(32)}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var r=n(33);e.exports=function(e){var t=r.ToObject(this),n=r.ToInteger(r.ToLength(t.length));if(!r.IsCallable(e))throw new TypeError("Array#find: predicate must be a function");if(0===n)return void 0;for(var i,o=arguments[1],a=0;n>a;a++)if(i=t[a],r.Call(e,o,[i,a,t]))return i;return void 0}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var r=Object.prototype.toString,i="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof 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Gaines Fox

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Most modern car bumpers have been made with a specific mix that makes it almost impossible to glue. Many of these products are 'hot air welded' rather than glued.

Popularity: 47

You need bushings in the bottom door hinge. You might have to remove the finder to get to it. You might trying to go to a you pull it and find a good hinge from a 89 to 97 Thunderbird or Cougar. It would be less work.

Popularity: 83

Many gasket kits actually recommend using a gasket goo. As long as you are careful and get only a light coating to hold the gasket while installing you will have no problem.

Popularity: 45

It is easiest if the gas line and the electrical outlet are already set up in your home. At that point, it is easy to set up the appliance. When hooking up a new or used gas appliance it is required that you use a new gas line. I always try to use a flexible line and make sure it is extra long so …

Popularity: 153

When it comes to moss or mold on a roof, the culprit is actually a blue-green algae which is most commonly found in warmer, humid climates. Although it does not damage the roofing the black stains it leaves do not look good. One solution if there are only a few shingles involved, would be to repla…

Popularity: 330

Books on Home Repair If you're likely to shop for tools and supplies at a Home Depot, then I recommend you have a look at their own series of home improvement books. (Note that there is considerable redundancy between the various volumes they offer.) These books provide detailed instructions for a w…

Popularity: 180

Get Rid of Bees in Walls Call in the exterminator. -Zo Another option: Take a one gallon jug , glass is preferred, plastic will do, take 1/3 cup of sugar and fill 1/4 full with water. The bees will go into the jug and drown. place this where you have the bee problem. This works outside with ye…

Popularity: 25

First of all DO NOT start a fire in the fireplace to drive the bees out. The bees could have damaged the lining of the fireplace creating a home fire hazard or created a nest that is blocking the flue and this will back smoke up into the house. Step 1. Install a chimney balloon or inflatable damper…

Popularity: 38

Unless you are replacing a 16 foot wide window, you will need to install a header. Your best bet to span that distance is a laminated beam or other engineered lumber, and you will need 3 jack studs supporting it on each side. Since you are making a structural change, you will need to pull a permit a…

Popularity: 117

There is a wide array of costs concerning roof replacement, regardless of the area. The material used, size in square footage, labor costs, and so on. Sometimes a second layer of shingles can be added, but use caution since you may just be covering up an underlying issue with the roof structure or m…

Popularity: 126

Insurance for older homes You may not find a company willing to provide all-risk coverage or replacement cost coverage. You should be able to buy a named-peril, ACV (pays depreciated value due to age) policy with basic fire & extended coverage. Contact a few agents. In Florida, most insurers wi…

Popularity: 175

The general theory or principle of homeowners insurance as it pertains to the structure itself is to repair or replace it to its pre-loss condition. It does not cover issues that are caused by deferred maintenance. Coverage for Structural integrity and quality of workmanship issues are generally a…

Popularity: 191

Vacuuming large debris through skimmer without using a leaf trap. A leaf trap has a bag inside for catching debris and is placed between the end of your pool vacuum hose and the skimmer. It keeps leaves from clogging your skimmer line when you vacuum. It's OK to not to use a leaf trap as long a…

Popularity: 65

Swimming pool paint companies do not recomment mixing paint types rubber goes back on rubber or epoxy back on epoxySo if you want epoxy, sandblast off the rubber. BTW Silica sand is very toxic and best left to the pros, the paint ain't much to help out the health either.Take special care when painti…

Popularity: 65

I believe that when chlorinated water splashes on the limestone, it will create a crossive environment that may be adverse to the metal wall.

Popularity: 47

Use "pool repair mortar" if it is under water or any exterior latex fortified thinset mortar if it's not under water. After trying several types of products that didn't work I used "liquid nail" which can be purchased at a local hardware store. You then have to re-grout the tile and seal them.

Popularity: 45

About 2.6 million dollars as there is sold bed rock to remove and the blasting will cost several hundred thousand dollars then there is the EPA and environmental impact studies and noise abatement and having to remove the trees that are housing endangered birds and Then installing Schedule 80 PVC pi

Popularity: 55

It sounds like you do need to put air in your tank. Look here for a fairly clear description of the process: The exact process will depend on your system. No. Low air in the tank would only make the pump run more. Pressure is a factor of the pump and the well. The tank will only hol…

Popularity: 388

Answer If there is no plumbing in the wall it has to be either a leak from upstairs that's running down the wall or the grout or caulk has gone bad and every time you take a shower you make it worse. Grout is cheap and easy. Try scraping out the old grout between the tiles and then regrout between t…

Popularity: 163

Sometimes chemicals causes rust to get into the water lines. a change in water pressure will cause this rust to turn loose and come through into the bathtub or other appliances. Another cause could be a break in the pipe. What you may be seeing is dirt. What happens is when the water flows, and then…

Popularity: 241

Many plumbing supply stores have a list of contractors that can be recommended. Otherwise, ask around to see who has been used before. Angie's List (a service you pay for) has vetted home improvement professionals if you would like to go that route.

Popularity: 162

I usually use the thickest wax ring I can find with the plastic funnel thing embedded in it. If it's a little too thick, the extra wax will just squeeze out a bit underneath the toilet. Sometimes its necessary to double up on the ring (use two - one with the funnel one without) to make a good seal o…

Popularity: 310

Depending on the condition of the bladder tank sometimes you can add more air to it for a temporary fix, but ultimately you will have to replace it. Press in the air valve on top to see if any water comes out, if so then the bladder is water logged.   Depending on the tank, the bladder can so…

Popularity: 191

%DETAILS% Answer It's possible that you have a blockage, on the toilet line and the water is coming up in the tub to alleviate pressure. Or, your vent may be clogged causing what is called back syphonage, causing the water not to push out.

Popularity: 95

Installing a Toilet on a Cast Yes, you can put a toilet on it. The hardest part would be putting a toilet flange onto the cast. There are two options: you can either get a cast iron flange to fit over it and pour a lead joint or you have to chip around the pipe enough to get a no hub band on it. Yo…

Popularity: 514

You normally locate the vent at the sink drain, but you can locate a vent at every fixture if you like.  *The sink is vented above the tee holding the trap arm to the sink. The sink drain will go below the floor and be joined(usually with a wye) from the shower drain which then is joined into …

Popularity: 281

If this noise occurs after shutting off a fixture (e.g., shower or sink), I'd pop the lid on the toilet tank and check there. Sometimes, this type of noise occurs when water pressure is reduced somewhere else, causing the fill valve to open slightly and howl like a foghorn. So, after shutting off th…

Popularity: 216

It depends on your system. If your on city water you should be able to pull off the airaters on the sinks and open up all your fixtures until the air is out. If your on a well you could try the same thing. If it doesen't work on a well it could be that your well pump isn't filling your tank as fast …

Popularity: 210

Be aware that for the first few minutes after turning off you will get the shower head leak a little. This is because the shower head has a large cavity inside that fills up with water in use. When you turn off, that water has to go somewhere, so it dribbles through the outlets of the shower head. …

Popularity: 249

Several things cause the toilet to "keep running." Either the flap in the bottom of the tank isn't sealing shut. When you push the handle, a chain connects an arm on the handle to the flap on the bottom of the tank. The flap opens letting the water in the tank run through the bowl flushing the float…

Popularity: 76

Yes, the baffle is choking off the vent, causing the toilets to flush slow.

Popularity: 48

Do you have the tub where you can measure it? If so, measure from the back of the tub to the center of the overflow, that will give you the measurement for the drain.

Popularity: 72

First, remove the shower head and test the valve. If you have plenty of water at the shower with the head removed, then the problem is a clogged shower head. Clean it or replace it. What the hell...just replace it. You deserve it. Go buy one of those cool shower massage heads to replace it. If you…

Popularity: 85

If it is loose debris, simply remove the strainers at each faucet and turn on the water. If the depris is hardened and cannot be removed in this manner, replace the offending water line.Ans 2 - The above answer will help, but not always cure the problem. Other parts where debris will almost certainl…

Popularity: 44

Low water pressue is caused by debris in the line, depending on the type of pipe, ie. galvanized produces buildup which restricts flow. Foul smell is caused by food particles in your disposal. This can be easily corrected by pouring bleach down your drain, also check to make sure trap is not dry.Ans…

Popularity: 56

Look for a special toilet that mounts directly to the floor and the water drains into a box mounted on the floor behind the toilet, under the tank. This box contains a pump that runs off electricity (plugs into standard outlet), and when the toilet is flushed, the waste goes into the box and is pum…

Popularity: 60


Popularity: 54

install a tank and a sewage ejector pump There are also "macerating toilets" which grind the waste and eject it vertically through a 3/4" or 1" waste pipe until the waste is higher than the existing waste drain pipe where it can then flow downward using gravity. These macerating toilets can cost u…

Popularity: 91

If you have alot of fine sand in your water as we do, it could be that as the water heats it cooks the sand onto the heating coil and therefore narrows the space the hot water travels through. It does not affect the cold at all only the hot. If this is the case you need a new heating coil for your …

Popularity: 77

Reset the pressure switch to energize (close) at a higher pressure. I would increase it 10# for starters.Ans 2 - That won't do it. The only way is to feed the outside hydrants from the pressure tank.

Popularity: 43

If the pressure problem is in the shower try removing the shower head but leave the shower arm in place. Then turn the water on and see if you have a good flow of water with no shower head in place. Sometimes the shower head gets clogged with a mineral deposit which needs to be disloved with somethi…

Popularity: 52


Popularity: 52

Replace the shower valve (faucet).   I would call a plumber to check it out. Because there may be another reason, it depends on other things besides faucet. Like a crimped water line under slab floor, if you have copper water lines, i have seen the cooper pipe go all the way into a tee and bl…

Popularity: 62

alot of times if the fittings are close together the solder takes but doesen't get full penetration. over time the pressure of the water will push through the solder joint. the best thing to do is drain down the system and replace the leaky joints. More than likely the plumber used too much flux or…

Popularity: 71

The pressure in your tank should be checked with water drained from the tank, with the water drained the air pressure in the tank should be set 2psi lower than your kick in pressure. So for a kick in pressure of 25psi the tank air pressure should be set at 23psi.Ans 2 - Water should NOT be totally d…

Popularity: 48

Not without breaking up some concrete or crawling under it, if you have a wood floor, and you will have to know where you can tie it into the existing system before beginning anything.

Popularity: 36

Low Water Pressure The further away your taps are (example: the bathroom) the less water pressure you have. If you have a lot of trees around your property I suggest getting "Rotor Rooter" in to clean out your pipes. Especially in an older home the pipes can have all sorts of odd things in the…

Popularity: 48

The pressure can be adjusted at the pump. You may need to replace the inlet to the home with 3/4 inch water line. If you have 1/2 inch line and a high iron content, the pipes may be partially plugged.Ans 2 - You don't say if this is a shallow well with jet pump or a deep well (over 75 feet) with a s…

Popularity: 54

The easiest way to do this, is to tie into the drain below the lavatory piping as it connects to the vertical pipes in the wall.Cut in the tee for the washer below the tee for the lavatory.Run the 1 1/2" or 2" pipe horisontaly to the washer location,and add a p-trap of the same size.If the p-trap is…

Popularity: 94

i found a great website for discount shower heads, but it also has a great support section with step by step pictures and instructions, including tips on increasing water pressure.htp://

Popularity: 51

Not much choice other than to shut off the water to the entire house at the meter or at a secondary valve that may be installed where the water main enters the house.Yes, that is the only way, other than freezing the pipe using a special tool some plumbers carry, where if no valves are found or if a…

Popularity: 52

If you have an old complex built pre 80's, you may not have pressure balance shower valves. Replace existing valve with a new pressure balance valve. The problem is most notable in second and above floors, but can occur at the ground level as well.Setting at the water heater has been chaged. This …

Popularity: 43

Replace the flapper. If that doesn't work, try a Flusher Fixer Kit.

Popularity: 44

Replace the shower valve.

Popularity: 51

Adjust pressure regulator valve (P.R.V.) Turn clockwise. remove water saver from shower head

Popularity: 61

Shower valve is bad. Replace it.Ans 2 - Shower valves often become plugged with debris. Many of them can simply be cleaned by carefully removing the control lever and and ball and then picking out the debris. Be careful to lay all parts in order if you dismantle it. This may take about an hour, but …

Popularity: 43

the new one has a aeriator that's working right

Popularity: 31

the blue could be from over use of a joint compound used by plumbers. Have you recently had work done? If so it should go away after it is flushed out for awhile. good luck snm

Popularity: 32

Because by flushing the toilet while using the shower, you have removed some of the water pressure on the cold side. This decreases the amount of water flowing to the shower head. Therefore changing the mix more toward the hot side. Answer this is also due to incorrect pipe size installation of cold…

Popularity: 50

You might want to replace your seats inside the body of the faucet. You can pick up a seat wrench at any Home Depot or plumbing supply house. Burrs on the seats casue your washers to get cut and, inturn, they cause the faucet to leak. If that doesnt work, chances are that you have a hairlne fracture…

Popularity: 39

For Moen, there is a part called a "posi temp" and this can be replaced to manage the hot water. You may need a specialized tool called a puller. There is an amusing You Tube with Steven Lavmoniere that shows the process to do this. Maybe. If it is a Moen or other type of single handle shower valv

Popularity: 34

Buy a new toilet. The trap in the toilet probably has a crack in it allowing the water in the bowl to leak out.ANS 2 - Have you carefully inspected the bowl for cracks ? - Please do this first, before rushing out and wasting money. There may be other reasons for this/

Popularity: 34

Yes. It is called a carrier fitting. These are only sold at plumbing supply stores. I would not suggest trying to install it by yourself.

Popularity: 23

Yes. If not it will be a wet vent and cause MAJOR problems.

Popularity: 34

simple, you increase the height of the storage tank thus increasing the water head pressure to the cylinder or install a continuous rated pump (but not recommend) for best results change the cylinder to an unvented (output: potentially 22ltrs at 3 bar) :o)

Popularity: 52

Yes, programmable thermostats can reduce the energy used for air conditioning or heating by 5 to 30%. Programmable thermostats save money by turning the air conditioner to a higher setting (or heater to a lower setting) when no one is present in the house, or in the evenings when it is cooler. [Fro…

Popularity: 114

Balance insulation is best way to keep heating and cooling costs down, For that propose glass window & Doors at your home is a natural way which has been admired by peoples from A longer time. But it gives a versatile look to your home if it installed well.

Popularity: 115

A good rule of thumb for HVAC contractors is usually 600 square feet per ton of cooling. With a 2200 square ft. home you should have no less than a 3.5 ton heat pump with no more than a 10kw heat strip. This is a general figure. The type of windows and how many you have plays a big part in the fact…

Popularity: 112

Regular cleaning can be done with detergent and water, and rinsed; or commercial household cleaners or bathroom cleaners used according to label directions. Do not use scouring powders or other abrasives which can scratch the finish. Special cleaning may be needed for ceramic tile in bathrooms if t…

Popularity: 202

Latex is water-based paint, so take a very thin rag, put it over the edge of a putty knife and scrape very carefully. It should come off quite easily. Don't rush this job! Take your time and the latex should come off like butter.If the paint has a tenacious bond, use some denatured alcohol to slowly…

Popularity: 179

Good luck. I did that several years ago and never could get it off. I ended up painting the concrete. You could try muriatic acid, though, that's the only thing I did not try, just because I'd never heard of it.   Paint stripper.

Popularity: 181

First, brush off the loose ashes. Spray the brick with water. Then, mix a mild cleaner with water and use that to clean off the soot.

Popularity: 228

Alternatives to Painters Tape     There are a few that I try + Spray shield, slide it up or under the baseboard. Mainly if you are able to slide it under the baseboards it works wonders. +Use painters tape and seal it with painter's caulk. I've tried the green tape and it sometim…

Popularity: 99

Aha! I just had this problem this past summer, but it was just the normal squirrels. My husband had to rent a trap (won't harm the squirrels)and put a lump of peanut butter in the cage to attract them (they love it!) Sounds like you have a family of them, so it's going to take you several trips. Too…

Popularity: 21

The gravity is the same regardless of flooring type. The bouncyness of the floor depends on the floor material and this is what affects how high the ball will bounce. For example, carpet will absorb energy and ball will not bounce as high as on concrete or a sprung wood floor, which do not take a lo…

Popularity: 36

An easy way is to use a paint scraper. Any sharp edged object should be useful.It is important that you do this regularly...soot can actually catch fire if left to build up, and can therefore be very dangerous.

Popularity: 74

Answer Buy a spud pistol and shoot them. This is the best way. I am going to do this myself. Shooting at them annoys them and this puts them off. Continuous sniping at them for many years leads them to learn to stay away. But lizards being slow learners, this may take time. If any one knows a bet…

Popularity: 54

Answer here's a few more pennies... The glue preferred by pool pros for this application is Mr. Sticky's Underwater Glue. It is sticky underwater, does not become brittle, easy to work with. you can find it at Well here is my 2 cents worth, I am not in the pool repair business b…

Popularity: 23

If there are supply valves feeding the supply lines connecting your faucet, they may be closed, or simply your faucet components/inserts and or supply lines may be restricted.ANS 2 - most common cause for this is a plugged aerator or stop valve.

Popularity: 21

Answer light a fire CHECK AND SEE IF AN ANIMAL OR BIRD HAS BUILT NEST WHICH IS KEEPING YOUR CHIMNEY'S FLUE OPEN. Answer You need to close the damper. look inside the flute 4 handle,and push or pull. Answer It could either be your Flue is stuck open slightly or you have a crack in the chimney...eithe…

Popularity: 89

If its a nice big wide dent you may be able to pop it out take off the door panel make sure the window is up use a small block of wood to pop it out if its a small dent then you need a grinder pondo primer paint sander etc a lot of time an patience When a dent occurs, the metal is pushed in. The …

Popularity: 25

If the toilet and shower are in an upper floor then there is a PVC drain for both that will drain to either the sewer or septic. If there is a vertical piece to this, as there is in my basement, then you actually get some dribbling and running sounds from the water 'falling' down that vertical PVC. …

Popularity: 32

Answer Since there are so many different advances in "indoor plumbing" recorded from many time periods it is hard to be precise. I found this webiste to be of much help. Hope this helps to answer. -JRB- Answer The earliest identifiable flushing toile

Popularity: 59

I have used a product called Goof Off. One could probably purchase it at Home Depot. It is specifically used to remove water-based, latex paints off of fabric or other surfaces. I would test a small spot first to make sure it will not damage of discolor the surface. I have used this on fabric be…

Popularity: 89

Using Underwater Glue, you can easily repair pool liners without draining the pool. Instructions are below. 1. Get a piece of PVC (vinyl) liner patch material that would provide a surface approx 2" larger than the slit all the way around the slit. 2. If possible, rough up with sandpaper both the a…

Popularity: 41

I would glue it with silicon and hold the edges with tape till firm.

Popularity: 29

Answer Go to your local hardware store and ask them this question. There are all sorts of products to get rid of that rust (most of it) before going to the expense of putting a liner up. Answer I agree: fix the cause of the rust and remove the rust before attempting to cover it up. If not, you …

Popularity: 160

Towel Bar HeightHere is input:Whatever height is most comfortable for you considering your height. If you are remodeling a home to sell, I would place it at around 4 feet. Just make sure that a large bath towel will not drag on the floor.Standard adult towel bar height is indeed 48". For kids, 36" i…

Popularity: 278

Just today we had a company come out to work on a home we just purchased that has a neww bladder tank, they said it should be at 38p.s.i. pre charge is set at aprox 15 lbs P.S.I. Set well pressure at 55 to 60 lbs  A better rule of thumb is the pump cut-in pressure minus 2 psi.ANS 4 -Factory p…

Popularity: 35

I'm from British Columbia, Canada and we have the odd year where we are over-run with yellow jackets. Yellow jackets hatch out in grassy areas so go to your local nursery and ask them what environmentally safe product you can put on your grass to safetly get rid of them. It's doubtful they do build …

Popularity: 21

Depending if your on a well or public water system ,Well sys just increase your pressure with your pressure switch ,adjustment of your pressure regulator valve if so equiped (turn in )clockwisePlumbers generally apply a narrow vent in the tubular flow of your plumbing pipes to increase the water pre…

Popularity: 17

I recently installed a new pump and filter. The tools and materials that I needed were: 1. Screwdriver for connecting the electrical wires to the pump. 2. An 8 foot piece of PVC pipe from Home Depot. 3. An assortment of PVC elbows and adaptor fittings for the pipes (also from Home Depot) 4. PVC prim…

Popularity: 35

Try using 3-m spray glue. make sure surface is clean. squirt a "light"coat on both surfaces, let it sit for a minute, lay it down. WARNING once you lay it down, you cant pull it up again, so do it right the first time.

Popularity: 60

Answer I would think the bathroom has leaked....alot of pipes to a bath, could be any of them. At least you know, now you can fix the problem, and use Kilz to paint with it does cover mold and mildew. Answer The worst problem is not fixing the pipes, but fixing the resultant damage. It is pos…

Popularity: 78

Answer garden bugs

Popularity: 24

Hire an expert to install a support bar to hold the weight of the AC. The support bar must be mounted to the surface of the building, most preferably, a brick building.

Popularity: 53

u can use construction adhesive or build the wall out w/ 2x4 on the flat .....then glue @ nail 2 the wood. better yet use small concrete nails into mortar joints thru 1" x 3/4" furring strips spaced an 16" centers. small lag screws into lead expanders work well if mortar is too hard and as stated ab…

Popularity: 103

You can purchase Loctite Auto Mirror Adhesive to replace the rear view mirror at any auto parts store or Walmart. Follow the directions to the letter.

Popularity: 57

It depends on the valve, who makes it and what model is it?you have a cross connection in the water system ( I don't think it is the value, most of the time it is on your washing machine hot and cold water valve. Go to a faucet away from the machine and turn on the water. Then go listen at the machi…

Popularity: 20

you can use either "bondo" or "Minwax Wood Filler" to patch the wood.Dont mix more that you can use in 5-10 min.. Use a good stiff putty knife,let set ,sand, then prime and paint.This will hold up in Minnesota winters/summers(not to mention bondo is used on cars and boats). Hope this will work for …

Popularity: 71

1 comment:

  1. rimless toilets refer to the design of the toilet pan that simply has no rims. Therefore, you will not see the outside lining on the upper lip of the toilet bowl as it was in the past. It is the latest innovation and makes toilet cleaning easier, quicker, and hassle-free.
