Read article : Cool Interesting Shower Curtains For Your Modern Bathroom
Cool shower curtains for modern bathrooms are one of the lovely decors that add looks to your bathroom interiors. You can choose a lot of decisions wich based on your likes, any favorite show or character, depending upon the theme of the room or anything that will make your bathroom look awesome. Below are some of the cool ideas that will enhance the looks and you can get more ideas of your own by just looking at these models.
Floral Shower Curtains As An Unusual And Perfect Solution.
Beautiful Double Style.
This is a beautiful double combination of black and white, which by itself is a perfect performance. The out cover is thin hanging threads blended with both white and black combination and the inner one is a white cover with lovely black border design. It looks very modern and romantic, as you can cover with both the curtains, choose any one to cover while you take a shower or attach both the curtains together. It all depends upon your choice.
Glassy Cool Shower Curtain.
Take a look at this trendy glassy cool model, the small boxes looks very stylish rather than just leaving it transparent. This can adorn any type of bathroom and the curtain itself can add more beauty as it looks very glassy, stylish, modern and romantically transparent.
Cool Shower Curtains For Iphone Lovers.
To those of you who are fond of gadgets, love their iphones and glued to its apps can go for this different variants of design like the iphone screen with various apps icons.Take a close look and you can see the cute little icons, customize them while you order for one.
Marine World For Kids.
This type of marine shower curtain can be designed in kid’s room, as they will love the idea of a themed bathroom. The entire looks are like a marine setting, right from the wall paint, towel designs, dustbin, mat etc. This variant of design just adds more beauty to the theme.
Microsoft Errors Page Curtain For Geeks.
This is another technology oriented idea. This cool shower curtains displays the Microsoft Internet explorer error page, which displays that the page cannot be displayed. Isn’t this a cool decision?
Сomfortable To Use Cool Shower Curtains With Pouch.
This is a very lovely idea that looks stylish and useful at the same time. The transparent, with little pouches for storage is a cool way to flip your things into it, isn’t it?
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