Sunday, August 13, 2017

gravity fed water pressure issue (natural building forum at permies)

Read article : gravity fed water pressure issue (natural building forum at permies)

We've just hooked up our indoor shower to our gravity fed water system. Although there is plenty of flow with our approx. 20' of head the standard 1/2" shower riser is not allowing enough pressure to get a decent flow from the shower head (tub faucet is fine). Any experience with booster systems like the UK "power shower" pumps that are available in the US or any other solutions that have worked for anyone?

Thanks in advance! judy

Hello Judy, we're in a similar situation and can share what we've done to get a decent shower.  Sometimes you can get around needing a pump by doing other things to get higher volume of water flowing through the shower head. 

One could easily make a "rain" head from sheet copper designed for desired volume, and use a valve with chain above so that water is not wasted.

Conclusion- Pressure and Volume are tradeoffs- with a gravity system you forsake pressure and thereby necessitate more volume, which then should be regulated by duration.

What other people have already said is true, most fixtures are made for highly pressured municipal water systems.  At the height of the showerhead, we have three pounds of gravity pressure from our spring, and we had the same dribbling problem UNTIL we took our showerhead apart a little bit and removed the plastic gasket that shrinks down the pipe-head intersection.  Construction debris can sometimes end up clogging that tiny opening even further. 

We also drilled that hole in the shower head open wider, but that might not be necessary for you.  You'll probably see a big difference just with the gasket removed.  Ours is a gentle shower, but it actually gets you wet.  Helps that we have one of those large "rain" heads. 

If your head isn't modifiable, I'd consider making your own shower riser and head, with 3/4" pipe for the riser and shower head pipe.  Might be too much trouble, but it would never break (unlike a pump) and uses no energy (unlike a pump).  If you know a good welder, maybe you could trade for for a cool handmade shower head

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