Saturday, January 13, 2018

South Beach Bathroom Questions

Read article : South Beach Bathroom Questions
Why does the City of Coronado contend that the Coastal Commissions’s recommendation of “incorporating a public restroom into the Hotel Del expansion project” is not “realistic”? whereas the much narrower beach further south is realistic? The Coastal Commission’s recent “Staff Report Recommendation on Appeal” (dated July 21, 2017 and hearing date Aug. 9, 2017) to the City of Coronado clearly states “South Beach is a narrow beach. The width may decrease further…” Hence, the Coastal Commission made the realistic recommendation to the City to incorporate a public restroom in the Hotel Del expansion project where the “beach is much wider” and is substantially “less vulnerable to coastal flooding.” I add that it is also more user friendly since its location would be at a more exact mid-point between the existing Central Beach bathroom and the furthest spot where the public beach ends at Avenida Lunar (the street that borders the Navy’s Amphibious Base); hence more user convenient.This past weeks NYT/CA Today echoes the Commission’s forecast of an-going beach erosion: “A study this year by the U.S. Geological Survey predicted that as much as two thirds of Southern CA beaches could be lost by the end of the century.” In light of the projected increase in sea levels and subsequent coastal flooding, why would the City consider pouring tax payers dollars “down the drain” (i.e. in the ocean) on such a narrow strip of beach that has historically experienced coastal flooding which is projected to increase?

The Coastal Commission stated that it “is in full support of the provision of additional restroom facilities.” However, they make a valid statement that “the proposed restroom (by the City) is not the least environmentally damaging alternative” … and further state that “less environmentally damaging alternatives do exist” such as incorporating in the Hotel Del expansion project or replacing the portable restroom with a permanent one in the same location.

Why isn’t the City considering the Commission’s aforementioned recommendation as an alternate to the Hotel Del expansion project? “First….remove the existing portable restroom trailer and construct a permanent facility in its place” … “this site would not occupy any sandy beach area, it would take up approximately three public parking spaces. However, the public benefit would outweigh the small loss of parking” … “those spaces are unavailable currently because of the placement of the temporary restroom trailer” … which “the City states that it as been extremely successful in serving a multitude of visitors.”

In any event, should the City choose to exercise “eminent domain,” as suggested by at least one of our City Council members: why exercise it at the narrowest place on the south beach? why not at the widest possible place on south beach that’s least vulnerable to the inevitable future flooding? In other words, incorporate a public restroom in the Hoel Del expansion project as recommended by the Coastal Commission and be assured of the Commission’s subsequent approval.

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